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'Dependence' - WordPromptChallenge

You've been as good,

And solid and true

As any white cane could be-

But this treacherous heart

That beats within

Won't stop asking me for color

I wish you'd believe

There's nothing I wouldn't do

To shut out that voice

That screams to me

To stop what I am doing-

And to set myself out free

I try to argue

That it's thanks to you

I can step on solid ground;

That it can't be denied

With you in hand

I feel so very safe

I know that it technically isn't so-

Or that it shouldn't be, either way

But even if people say that I have

Become dependent on you;

I do not mind, I truly don't-

That's not why I'm saying goodbye

Indeed if the truth were to be told

I am so very afraid

It's been so long

That I stood on my own-

I don't know that I

Know how to do it anymore

Still. Even if I could

Quench that thirst

To see the light

And experience color,

There is one query

I cannot silence.

I have no words

For when she asks

Why I keep

My eyes shut tight-

When I know it's true,

As you do too-

I am not really blind.


Booya. Yes? No?

First of all, thank you for reading this! I'm grateful for the time you've given me.

I'd like to know what you thought! Drop me an email, DM me, leave a comment - all are good...and I won't complain if you decide to scour this site a little more to read up some of the other pieces you might have missed...or if tell your friends about this space...haha.


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