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Finding Oneself - WordPromptChallenge

The title says all, except the part where I'm particularly extra-fond of this one! Please do let me know if you share my sentiments


And when you return with your broken heart

They will not stop until you concede:

Yes they'd been right and had told you indeed

And you were a fool for ever having doubted.

They'll tell you again what they did back then:

That it was foolish to look afar,

That everything you could ever be

Has always lain within

They'll say that if you just try enough

To gather the pieces and merge them to one

You'll find that you were never really lost,

That you would find yourself right there

It's so warm and happy and perfectly ideal-

You'd never need anyone then!

To your broken mind and broken soul-

Nothing could ever seem sweeter

But before you lock yourself back in

To the point you feel so alone-

Before you break yourself some more

As you seek that strongman-you

Consider this, please:

You are made of stardust

No life did exist before that first explosion

When the first of the supernovae died

In that burst when we were made

Came the rest of this infinite world too

And if everything in this universe

Hails from that sole moment

Is it so crazy to think that maybe

'Out there' lie our missing pieces?

A little fragment in the musty library

Scattered amidst the pages

A shard laid out by the golden lake

Where the soul finds bliss and harmony

Still another may just roll

Amongst the grains of flour;

The reason that the heart sings out

When you make a messy dough

It follows then - it really must

In places far off float slivers of us

Destinations so remote

That no man will ever know:

One piece is lodged in the distant planets

Throttling through outer space

Another has parked on the wandering comet

Witness to galaxies beyond

Maybe we'll never truly be complete

Maybe we'll never find us fully

But maybe it never really was the point

To forge one lonely island

I think…yes…I do

I really like it this way

This idea, this thought

Of never being 'whole'

This way we can be everywhere

In everything

Spanning infinity

For eternity

Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash


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