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Funny Man

So if you've been keeping up with my posts (or not, but just seen one or two things here and there), you'd know I've been trying to participate in this years #MentalHealthAwareness campaign.

This is the 'grand finale', if you will.

I'd love to hear what you thought of this!


Someone once joked about how we human beings

Litter the streets and offer out bribes

Then return home to complain about how sad it is

That rubbish and corruption are so widespread.

Comic or tragic, I'm not sure

But I can say that that someone

Could have made a better joke-

For we are far funnier than that

After all

What other term can be used to describe

How we thump our chests with so much pride

Because we admire the indomitable human spirit

That never stops purchasing lottery tickets

Because of its belief that there’s always a shot

Yet as soon we see hear of mental illness

We write the situation off as 'lost'?

What other explanation do we have for

How it is that everybody, big and small

Every adult and every child

Medical professional or not

Knows that the brain is an important organ

Just like the heart and liver

Yet we pretend that it's only the latter

That can ever succumb to disease?

How can we explain the panic we feel

When we hear about chemicals everywhere

Polluting our food and polluting the air-

Because we know how potent they can be-

Yet when someone says that the ones in our brains

Can cause a problem if they happen to change

That all one may need is some chemical balance

We declare that that cannot be?

Why is it that if someone unknown to us

Were to sit us down and say to us

That in this world unicorns do exist,

We would laugh them off as jokers

But if someone were to say that the real reason why

Mental sickness develops in people we know

Because the devil possesses their souls

We'd accept it without even batting an eye?

It makes no sense how we believe

In the power of germs to cause disease

These little things we don't always see

Floating about in the air

But we decide that genes and injuries

And drugs and experiences and all of life's stresses-

The things we have all felt and lived-

Cannot be the cause of mental illness

If it isn't funny then what is it

When we confidently declare

That man of today

Has made leaps and bounds in the world of science,

Yet when scientists themselves come out to announce

That through their research with fancy tech

They've found that mental illness can be cured

We think it can't be true?

What other reason can there be

For us to buy into 'creative' means

Like slimming belts and magic pills

As ways to lose excess weight,

And still we think that

It is simply ridiculous

That kind words and therapy

Can ameliorate mental disorders?

Why such selective hearing?

Why such selective believing?

Why are we able to easily console

The friend who had an untimely accident

'It wasn't in your hands, it wasn't your fault'

But refuse to accept the heart wrenching testimony

Of the four-fifty million people across the globe

When they say that they did no wrong?

How easy it is for us to get defensive

The instant we feel judged

How quick we are to simply say

'They don't know what it's like to be me'

Yet when someone claims that they aren't okay

That they experience things

We could only imagine

We sign off on their sentences?

If not funny…no, downright hilarious

What can we call it

When as mortal men

We accept that in this universe

Lie things beyond our control

Yet when someone says they are depressed

That they simply cannot 'snap out of it'

We claim that they're just not trying?

If it isn't standard practice

To slash the tires

And smash the windows

Of any old car

With a broken engine

How has it become a common response

To flag and whip and chain the man

Whose mind has broken down?

How many times have we decided

That a running nose and painful throat

Are reasons perfectly valid enough

To take a day off from work?

Then why do we struggle to understand

How it can be that when one's brain-

The centre that dictates how all else works-

Isn't operating well, then neither can they?

Hasn't it been established that it is our brains

That give us our thoughts, our actions, our beliefs?

And if a man's thoughts,

His actions and beliefs

Determine the person he is

Why can't we embrace that a single step

Taken towards attainment of mental health

Could change a man and change the world?

If funny is what we can call how we act,

We are a humorous species indeed

Because otherwise it's hard to believe

That we are capable of any real comedy:

Look left, look right, and riddle me this

Through all our 'jokes'

Of this special kind

Who, at all, is laughing?


PC: @silent_moon756


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