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Hey Genie

I wish,

Instead of noticing that I washed my face

Someone would see all the stains

Everything I've tried hide;

These stains I'd all but washed away;

The stains, like scars, that'll always stay.

I wish,

Instead of noticing that I'd gone to bed

Someone would see the racing circles

Tattooed around my eyes

That they'd sense all this fatigue I feel;

That they'd note the energy I lack-

Because instead of falling asleep

I tossed and turned all night.

I wish,

Instead of asking why my eyes are red

And accepting that it was the soap

Someone would see that

I'm just lying;

That despite the jokes I make out loud

I am not really smiling.

I wish

Instead of asking why I spent two hours

Taking such a long hot shower

They'd hear the hesitance in my reply,

The stutter before I speak,

And instead of asking if everything is okay

They'd tell me that it will be.

I wish

Instead of hearing the blaring music

And telling me to turn it down

Someone would hear me punching the walls

Crying out loud

As my knuckles bleed out

Praying that something will change

I wish

Instead of hearing me

Say I'm fine

Someone would see

I'm not.


PC: Photo by Luiz Hanfilaque on Unsplash


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