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Taking Flight - Picture Prompt Challenge

When she said, 'it'd just be cool,' The truth of what she thought within Was how it could mean freedom That ability to simply just take flight To wherever her spirit chose The power of doing exactly so, And nobody to tell her no

'Everything would just look good too,' Another something she would say And they would all nod along because They thought she meant the aerial view Not once did anyone think she was Starved for some new perspective Not once did anyone suspect she was Trying to ask for help

Her 'I also kind of like the wind' Was a dramatic understatement- The flap of hair against her neck Cold that engulfed her flesh The little goosebumps erupting across The unsteady tremble of her gait- Everything the gales did to her Made her feel alive

'They've got fun merry songs as well' She would often add to her case And they'd think it was an afterthought Not knowing how, day in day out She prayed for a sliver of courage Oh, how she wished she could be brave How she yearned to speak her mind!

Nobody ever really caught on How it was she'd put in this thought In an answer to the simple question 'What animal would you choose to be?'- Wasn't 'a bird' a generic answer, after all? It didn’t really mean very much, And besides, as a child, at least at one point Hadn't everyone once hoped to fly?

She always thought her daydream fantasies Would never be more than escape Then one day she watched the sun rise And a new day truly began- Sprawled out in the open field, Gaze tethered to the sky For the first time ever she began to see All the things she sought out there She already could be


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